Are you able to donate a little more than usual?
29th August 2019
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The raw facts are these:
In the last two weeks we have received just over 1,000 kgs (one tonne) of food donations from generous people.
In the same time we have distributed over 2,200 kgs of food.
Similarly the numbers of people attending in August this year are up from last year.
Harvest time is a time of generosity but please can the message go round that we are extremely grateful for donations now to replete stocks. It is still the case that tinned tomatoes, tinned fruit and long life fruit juice are very much required; but please, if there is a school collection or similar, encourage people to donate just a little more than usual.
It is unclear what will happen come 31st October and Brexit but it would be really helpful to replenish our stocks to be able to assist given any eventuality.