
Our Reverse Advent Calendar is back…

1st December 2023

Rather than take a daily treat from an Advent Calendar in December, we’re asking you to donate one item each day instead. What you donate will then go on to genuinely make a difference to people who are facing hardship in Truro and the surrounding area who are in real need.

This is really a light-hearted way to help others in need as no one should have to go hungry.

We’re inviting you to get a bag or a box and for 24 days in December to add an item we need and then drop off to us in January when we’re sure our stocks will be really low and we will need donations. If you’d like to be involved, you might find it more fun to do this together with friends, families or in an activity group.

We really don’t want Christmas foods like mince pies, Christmas puddings, selection boxes etc. It’s the basic foods that we need to help people feed themselves and their families in the New Year. So our calendar includes the things that we are short of and there are some treats, some household and personal hygiene items and even dog food as many of our customers are more upset that they can’t feed their dogs than they themselves are hungry.

Donations can be delivered to our store: Unit 15b, Threemilestone Industrial Estate, TR4 9LD. (2 doors down from the Ford Transit Service Centre.) It’s open for donations on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:30am to 12pm, but Mondays are best as parking is easier.

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